F-500EA® Fire Suppression and Encapsulator Agent
Fluorine-Free | 100% Biodegradable | Non-Toxic | Non-Corrosive

F-500EA® Authorized Distributor (OH)

F500EA® is a multi-class cULus and NFPA compliant fire prevention, protection and suppression agent with flammable vapor and liquid mitigation capabilities. Encapsulator Technology is utilized today across the world by industry leaders and first responders for unparalleled hazard protection.

Encapsulator Agents are NOT firefighting foams. While foams work on a mechanical level, Encapsulator Agents work on a molecular level, changing the composition of a water droplet with the introduction of spherical micelles. There are several types of fire suppression systems available today, but systems powered by F-500 EA® ensure a comprehensive approach that targets multi-class hazards.
Encapsulator Agents are an excellent choice for a variety of fires that cannot be fought effectively with foam or water. This includes three-dimensional fires, flowing fuel fires, and fires within an energized environment. These hazards require a specialized approach. That’s where Encapsulator Agents comes in. An Encapsulator Agent works on all four legs of the fire tetrahedron simultaneously.
What is Encapsulator Technology?
Encapsulator Agents are extremely versatile agents, capable of extinguishing Class A, Class B (Non-Polar & Polar), Class C (Energized Environment, Transformers), Class D and Lithium-ion Battery fires.
Encapsulator Agents excel at both fire suppression and flammable spill control while remaining 100% fluorine free, noncorrosive, nontoxic and 100% biodegradable.
F500EA “Micelle” Molecule:

Polar Head (hydrophilic - “loves water”)
Soluble in water; dissolves in water
Nonpolar Tail (hydrophobic - “hates water”)
Non soluble in water; does not dissolve in water.

F500EA Micelles
Coating a Water Droplet

F-500EA® vs. Water & Foam:

F-500EA® attacks each element of the fire tetrahedron, simultaneously.
Encapsulates Carbons
Encapsulates Hydrocarbons
Renders Material Nonflammable
High Molecular Weight
Absorbs Free Radical Energy
Rapid & Permanent Heat Reduction
1,200°F > 127°F (3 Seconds)
Lasting Burn Back Resistance

Encapsulator Agents & The Fire Tetrahedron
Toxin, Soot & Smoke Reduction (98.6%)
Improves Visibility & Air Quality
Creating an F-500EA® Solution:
Water Can:
A 10 oz. bottle of F500EA concentrate will create a 3% solution capable of drastically improving knockdown capabilities.
Batch Mix:
F500EA can be batch mixed directly into a booster tank or drop tank for convenient drafting.
Manual Eductors:
Standard eductor and matched nozzle can easily pump F500EA into the water stream.
On-Board Proportioner:

After flushing any residual foam from an on-board system, F500EA can be utilized at a 1-3% solution with an on-board tank.

Li-ion Battery Applications:

Encapsulator Agents conforming to Section 7.7 have been tested extensively by independent third parties. This testing has been controlled, scientific and instrumented, documenting fire suppression, control and the elimination of thermal runaway as well as the encapsulation of flammable electrolyte and other explosive off-gases, reducing the toxicity.
F500EA is proven to stop thermal runaway in its tracks, safely extinguishing lithium-ion battery fires and greatly reducing the risk of re-ignition. Encapsulator Technology also greatly reduces the toxicity of HF gas exposure to humans.

Lithium-ion Battery Hazards:

Short Circuiting
Extreme Temperature

An Encapsulator Agent is an efficient lithium-ion battery fire extinguisher. F-500 EA® encapsulates flammable corrosive electrolyte and rapidly absorbs thermal energy from high temperature flames. This successfully halts cell-to-cell ignition, also known as thermal runaway propagation. These features allow F-500 EA® to provide long term stable burn back resistance and prevent reignition.
F-500 EA® ceases the production of explosive off-gases emitted by burning lithium-ion batteries, such as Hydrogen (H2), Methane (CH4), and Ethylene (C2H4). This is especially important while extinguishing lithium-ion battery fires within enclosed environments, such as apartments, data centers, aircraft cabins, energy storage systems, etc.
Encapsulator Agents reduce the concentration of toxic off-gases produced during a lithium-ion battery fire, including Hydrogen Fluoride (HF), Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Many burning lithium-ion batteries release both explosive and toxic off-gases, making it a necessity for firefighters to exercise caution and utilize personal protective equipment.
Recent F-500EA® EV Car Fire Testing in South Korea

Pictures: Hazard Control Technologies
F-500EA® Reduces Exposure to Cancer Causing Toxins:
“Firefighters have a 9% higher risk of being diagnosed with cancer
and a 14% higher risk of dying from cancer than the general U.S. population.”
Clemson Report:
A report published by the Department of Environmental Health at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina. This testing measured the amount of toxic vapors, smoke and soot present when using plain water vs. Encapsulator Technology for extinguishment as well as the difference in visibility.
F500EA Reduces Soot/Smoke Toxicity up to 98.6%

F500EA Videos:
F-500EA® Extinguishes EV Car Fire (Korea)
F-500EA® Car Fire Live Demo (Oregon, OH)