Hose cleaning is an essential and effective component of Preliminary Exposure Reduction, reducing carcinogenic soot, contaminants, and particulates.
The innovative CLEAN GETAWAY hose cleaner is designed and engineered to simply, efficiently and effectively clean hoseline BEFORE restoring the apparatus and departing the scene. The hose cleaner utilizes pumper supplied water via standard connection 1.5", powered by an exchangeable standard battery 28 V Milwaukee or Genesis type and requires no special attachments.
The cleaner reduces the work associated with hose cleaning in the past. The wheeled unit is durable and easily portable with a retractable luggage style handle.
The cleaning efficacy of the Clean Getaway hose cleaner has been verified through multiple studies done in consultation and cooperation with textile experts at North Carolina State University.
smart, simple,
& efficient
The deep clean process is accomplished by the two specially designed with long cleaning bristles. Both brushes are independently motor driven. The long bristles and fixed distance of the brushes ensures a constant pressure on the surfaces of the hose and thus an optimal cleaning result.
After the hose is loaded into the washing channel the bristles catch the coupling and the hose is pulled through the machine by the brushes auto- matically. So only one person is necessary to comfortably and effectively operate the machine. The hose is soaked by two pressurized water jets in front of the washing brushes and rinsed by another two jets behind the brushes.
The compactly built aluminum housing is covered with diamond plates double-sided. The stainless- steel frame makes it easy to grab from any direction and simple to store the cleaner on the apparatus. Total dimension 23" x 22" x 13", weight 66 lb